Any person may apply for a special assignment of public safety personnel to a special event or other occurrence which is to be held within the city including, but not limited to, such functions as motion picture showings, openings of new businesses, weddings, social gatherings, or other activity which may attract a large number of people and which may become a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare unless public safety services are provided above the normal level of service furnished by the city. The applicant shall compensate the city for the cost of any additionally assigned personnel by depositing the anticipated cost of such personnel prior to their assignment.
   A.   Application for the special assignment of public safety personnel shall be made to the city manager or the city manager's designee on a form approved by the city.
   B.   The city manager or the city manager's designee may approve the application if the city manager or designee determines that the special assignment of public safety personnel is warranted to protect the public health, safety and welfare, that the special assignment will not unreasonably impact the availability of public safety personnel for other assignments, and that the city has adequate personnel available to staff the special assignment.
   C.   Any public safety officer specially assigned pursuant to this section shall be deemed to be on regular duty, shall have all the powers and responsibilities associated with that duty, and shall be compensated as provided in the applicable labor agreement or the city's compensation plan.
In addition, even if no application for special assignment is made, but the special event or other occurrence requires the assignment of city personnel for the purpose of controlling pedestrian or vehicular traffic, the owner of the property on which the event is held, and the organizer of the event, shall be jointly and severally liable for the personnel and other costs reasonably incurred by the city for providing traffic control services above the normal level of service provided by the city. (Ord. 07-O-2541, eff. 1-5-2008)