A.   No adult entertainment business shall be operated in a manner that permits the observation, from public rights of way or locations outside the establishment, of either: 1) adult entertainment material; 2) adult entertainment merchandise; 3) specified sexual activities; 4) specified anatomical areas; or 5) any nude or seminude person. This provision shall apply to any display, decoration, sign, show window or other opening.
   B.   Exterior doors and windows of the adult entertainment business shall not be propped or kept open at any time while the business is open.
   C.   Exterior windows of the adult entertainment business shall be covered with opaque covering at all times.
   D.   Patrons shall not be permitted access to any area of the adult entertainment business that has been designated as an area in which patrons will not be permitted.
   E.   No person under the age of eighteen (18) years shall be permitted within the adult entertainment business at any time.
   F.   Adult entertainment businesses served by on site parking surfaces shall maintain a security system that visually monitors and records such parking surfaces.
   G.   Security guards shall be employed in accordance with the following standards:
      1.   Businesses conducted within premises having a maximum occupancy capacity of one hundred (100) persons or fewer shall have two (2) security guards on duty at all times while the business is open. Businesses conducted within premises having a maximum occupancy capacity greater than one hundred (100) persons shall have three (3) security guards on duty at all times while the business is open.
      2.   The security guard(s) shall be uniformed in such a manner so as to be readily identifiable as a security guard by the public.
      3.   The security guard(s) shall be charged with enforcing patron compliance with the requirements of this chapter, and with notifying the Beverly Hills police department of any violations of law observed.
      4.   No security guard required pursuant to this subsection shall act as a door person, ticket seller, ticket taker, admittance person, or sole occupant of the manager's station while acting as a security guard.
   H.   No adult entertainment business shall operate between the hours of twelve o'clock (12:00) midnight and eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. on any day, except that this provision does not apply to businesses also regulated by the California department of alcoholic beverage control.
   I.   The exterior grounds of the premises of the adult entertainment business shall be free from all adult entertainment material and adult entertainment merchandise.
   J.   Adult arcades shall comply with the following additional requirements:
      1.   No viewing room or video booth may be occupied by more than one person at any one time.
      2.   At least one employee shall be on duty and stationed at each manager's station at all times that a patron is present inside the premises.
      3.   Customers, patrons or visitors shall not be allowed to loiter in either: a) the vicinity of viewing rooms or booths; or b) the common area of the business.
      4.   The floors, seats, walls and other interior portions of viewing rooms and booths shall be maintained clean and free from waste and bodily secretions. Presence of human excrement, urine, semen or saliva in any viewing rooms or booths shall be evidence of improper maintenance and inadequate sanitary controls.
   K.   Adult cabarets and adult theaters shall comply with the following additional requirements:
      1.   No entertainer shall perform except upon a stage that is both: a) at least eighteen inches (18") above the level of the floor; and b) separated by a distance of at least six feet (6') from the nearest area occupied by patrons.
      2.   No patron shall be permitted within six feet (6') of the stage while the stage is occupied by an entertainer nor shall a patron be permitted within six feet (6') of any person dancing for any form of consideration.
      3.   No entertainer shall fondle or caress any patron and no patron shall fondle or caress any entertainer. This prohibition shall apply before, during and after a performance, but only on the premises of the business. For the purposes of this subsection, "fondle or caress" means to touch with the intent to sexually arouse or excite.
      4.   No patron shall directly pay or give any gratuity to an entertainer in conjunction with a performance. For purpose of this provision, "directly pay or give" shall mean the placement of a gratuity by a patron on any portion of an entertainer's person or clothing.
      5.   No entertainer shall solicit any gratuity from a patron.
   L.   No owner or other person with managerial control over the adult entertainment business shall permit any person on the premises to engage in a live performance characterized by the exposure of specified anatomical areas. (Ord. 98-O-2302, eff. 7-2-1998; amd. Ord. 99-O-2337, eff. 11-19-1999; Ord. 02-O-2396, eff. 4-26-2002; Ord. 02-O-2402, eff. 6-20-2002)