A Third-Party Food Delivery Service shall terminate any service contract with a Retail Food Establishment within 72 hours after the Retail Food Establishment provides oral or written notice of its decision to terminate the contract to the address or contact designated for communications regarding the termination or amendment of a contract in either the parties' contract, or if no such address is noted in the contract, to the address or contact in the version of the Third-Party Food Delivery Service's software application or website used by or accessible to the Retail Food Establishment, or if no such individual is so specified in either of the above, to either the individual designated on the website of the California Secretary of State as agent for service of process for the Third-Party Food Delivery Service, or to any officer or local or regional manager of the Third-Party Food Delivery Service. For purposes of this Section, "written notice" shall include any writing delivered by email, text message or similar message transmitted through phone or software application, facsimile, personal delivery, or mail service. (Ord. 24-O-2893, eff. 5- 17-2024)