One (1) sign that does not exceed twenty (20) square feet in area on each face may be erected adjacent to each garage entrance from a public street or alley for the purpose of identifying the garage entrance. Except as provided in this section, the sign shall be limited to the name of the parking facility owner or operator, validation information, a City approved "park and shop" logo, directional information to a parking entrance on the site, a directory of no more than five (5) ground floor tenants served by the parking, and any other information required by law. The sign may be either a wall sign, ground sign or projecting sign. The highest element of such a sign shall not exceed twenty feet (20') above the level of the adjacent street.
The Architectural Commission may grant a sign accommodation pursuant to article 9 of this chapter to authorize a sign permitted by this section to vary from the City's parking sign guidelines and to authorize additional tenants and tenants above the ground floor to be listed on the sign.
   A.   Alley Signage: The City Council may authorize the placement of a sign identifying an alley if the Council finds that such sign is necessary to preserve the safe flow of traffic along a street or alley by helping vehicle drivers locate an off street garage entrance or approved off street valet area. Such sign shall resemble a street name sign and if such sign is located in the public right of way, then such sign shall require a location approval from the city, as provided in section 10-4-657 of this article. Prior to any approval of such sign by the city council, the planning commission shall review the application for the sign and shall make a recommendation to the city council regarding the placement of the sign and the name used to identify the alley.
   B.   Public Right Of Way: In addition to any other sign permitted by this section, one ground sign that identifies a parking entrance, does not exceed twelve (12) square feet in area and meets the city's parking sign guidelines may be erected in the public right of way adjacent to a parking facility provided that the owner of the sign obtains a location approval from the city to maintain the sign in the public right of way, as provided in section 10-4-657 of this article.
The architectural commission may grant a sign accommodation pursuant to article 9 of this chapter to authorize a sign permitted by this subsection to vary from the city's parking sign guidelines. (Ord. 96-O-2257, eff. 5-10-1996)