10-3-4703: EXCEPTIONS:
   A.   Notwithstanding section 10-3-4702 of this article, the delivery of medical cannabis from a business located outside the City and licensed under the MAUCRSA, or any other provision of law that permits State licenses for medical cannabis businesses, shall be permitted into the City.
   B.   To the extent that the following activities are permitted by State law, nothing in this article shall prohibit a person twenty one (21) years of age or older from:
      1.   Possessing, processing, purchasing, transporting, obtaining or giving away to persons twenty one (21) years of age or older, without compensation whatsoever, not more than 28.5 grams of cannabis not in the form of concentrated cannabis;
      2.   Possessing, processing, purchasing, transporting, obtaining or giving away to persons twenty one (21) years of age or older, without compensation whatsoever, up to eight grams (8 g) of cannabis in the form of concentrated cannabis;
      3.   Smoking or ingesting cannabis or cannabis products except as prohibited by California Health and Safety Code section 11362.3;
      4.   Possessing, transporting, purchasing, obtaining, using, manufacturing, or giving away cannabis accessories to persons twenty one (21) years of age or older without compensation whatsoever; or
      5.   Engaging in the cultivation of six (6) or fewer live cannabis plants within a single private residence, inside an accessory structure located upon the grounds of a private residence, or if grown outdoors within a locked space that is not visible by normal, unaided vision from a public place.
   C.   This article shall also not prohibit any commercial cannabis activity that the City is required by State law to permit within its jurisdiction pursuant to the MAUCRSA. (Ord. 17-O-2734, eff. 9-8-2017)