The Design Review Commission may approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the issuance of a building permit in any matter subject to its jurisdiction after considering whether the proposed development complies with the following criteria:
   A.   The proposed development's design exhibits an internally compatible design scheme;
   B.   The proposed development's design appropriately minimizes the appearance of scale and mass and enhances the garden like quality of the city and appropriately maximizes the use of required open space within the proposed architectural style;
   C.   The proposed development will enhance the appearance of the neighborhood;
   D.   The proposed development is designed to balance the reasonable expectation of development for the owner with the reasonable expectation of privacy of neighbors; and
   E.   The proposed development respects prevailing site design patterns, carefully analyzing the characteristics of the surrounding group of homes, and integrates appropriate features that will ensure harmony between old and new.
If the criteria set forth in this section are met, the application shall be approved. When the proposed development does not comply with the criteria set forth in this section, the reviewing authority may impose such conditions as it deems necessary to bring the proposed development into conformity with the provisions of this article. (Ord. 04-O-2444, eff. 5-21-2004)