The height and area requirements set forth in other provisions of this chapter shall not apply to conditional uses for which a conditional use permit application is submitted and later granted.
In addition, the parking and loading space requirements set forth in other provisions of this chapter may be reduced by the planning commission for the uses specified in this section upon the presentation of evidence satisfactory to the commission that the parking and loading spaces required by other provisions of this chapter exceed the demand for parking and loading spaces that will be generated by the proposed use. Pursuant to this section, the planning commission may reduce parking and loading space requirements for any of the following uses in conjunction with the granting of a conditional use permit:
   A.   Childcare uses other than family daycare homes.
   B.   Religious institution located in the C-5 zone provided all of the following criteria are met:
      1.   The use of the subject site is limited to religious institutional uses.
      2.   Except as otherwise permitted by the conditional use permit, no social events shall be allowed at the subject site. For the purposes of this section, "social events" shall include: a) celebrations associated with weddings and other life cycle events; b) fundraising events not involving a religious service, such as bingo games or auctions; c) gatherings of more than five (5) persons to foster interaction among congregation members or among congregation members and other members of the community, including, but not limited to, events such as dances, discussions, study groups or lectures.
      3.   The applicant submits evidence satisfactory to the planning commission that establishes that the proposed use will have no traffic or parking related impacts on adjacent streets or land uses as a result of the requested reduction in the parking and/or loading requirements. Such evidence may include, but not be limited to, a traffic and parking utilization study prepared by a certified traffic engineer.
   C.   Educational institutions which fulfill the state compulsory education requirements of its pupils and which are registered with the state of California pursuant to California Education Code section 33190, or its successor, and educational institutions located in nonresidential zones providing continuing education and vocational training programs that are accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency listed by the United States department of education.
   D.   Hotel restaurants that may be established pursuant to a conditional use permit.
   E.   Automobile dealerships. In addition to the foregoing, as part of the conditional use permit process for the establishment of a new or expanded automobile dealership, the planning commission may permit:
      1.   The required parking to be provided in a tandem and/or compact configuration provided that at least half of the overall parking supply is devoted to the storage of new automobiles.
      2.   The exclusion of above grade parking and circulation areas and up to half of below grade areas devoted solely to vehicle service from the definition of "floor area" as set forth in section 10-3-100 of this chapter, provided that the building housing the automobile dealership does not exceed forty five feet (45') in height measured pursuant to section 10-3-100 of this chapter.
The planning commission may require a conditional use permit applicant to provide the commission with any information that the commission believes would be useful for the purpose of determining the parking and loading demand of a proposed use, the impacts of that use, or the appropriate conditions to be imposed on that use. (1962 Code § 10-415; amd. Ord. 95-O-2239, eff. 7-7-1995; Ord. 95-O-2247, eff. 11-10-1995; Ord. 96-O-2256, eff. 4-5-1996; Ord. 99-O-2331, eff. 8-20-1999; Ord. 03-O-2421, eff. 2-7-2003; Ord. 12-O-2619, eff. 2-24-2012)