A.   The Planning Commission shall be the reviewing authority for all development plan review applications involving the following:
      1.   Projects in the C-5 or Public Service Zone involving new construction with a floor area ratio greater than 1.5, other projects in those zones involving more than forty thousand (40,000) square feet of new or additional floor area, and projects in any other zone involving more than fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of new or additional floor area.
      2.   Multi-family residential projects involving five (5) or more new units.
      3.   Any project requiring the granting of a variance.
      4.   Rooftop gymnasiums and lunchrooms in the C-3, C-R, C-3A, and C-3B Zones.
      5.   Any project referred to the Planning Commission by the Planning Director.
      6.   All common interest development projects, as defined in chapter 2, article 7 of this title.
      7.   Any project constructed pursuant to a density bonus permit.
The reviewing authority for all other projects subject to the provisions of this article shall be the City Planning Director or such other person that may be designated by the City Manager. The Planning Director or such other designated person may refer to the Planning Commission any project that the Director or other designated person deems appropriate for review by the commission due to the size, location, or other characteristics or impacts of the project. (Ord. 11-O-2615, eff. 12-16-2011)