The Architectural and Design Review Commission may approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the issuance of a building permit in any matter subject to its jurisdiction after consideration of whether the following criteria are complied with:
   A.   The design and aesthetics of the proposed building or structure are appropriate to the site and neighborhood and, in general, contribute to the image of Beverly Hills as an iconic community of high quality architecture and landscaping;
   B.   The plan for the proposed building or structure indicates the manner in which the structure is reasonably protected against external and internal noise, vibrations, and other factors which may tend to make the environment less desirable;
   C.   The proposed building or structure is not, in its exterior design and appearance, of inferior quality such as to cause the nature of the local environment to materially depreciate in appearance and value;
   D.   The proposed building or structure is in harmony with the proposed developments on land in the general area, with the general plan for Beverly Hills, and with any precise plans adopted pursuant to the general plan; and
   E.   The proposed development is in conformity with the standards of this Code and other applicable laws insofar as the location and appearance of the buildings and structures are involved.
   F.   In addition to the foregoing criteria, in connection with any application to convert an existing residential apartment building determined by the Planning Commission to be a "character contributing building" in accordance with section 10-2-707 of this title, the Architectural and Design Review Commission shall not approve a renovation to the exterior of a character contributing building unless it makes the following additional finding:
      1.   The proposed development is designed in a manner that protects and preserves those exterior elements of the building which the Planning Commission found contributed to the determination of the project as a "character contributing building" in accordance with section 10-2-707 of this title.
   If the criteria set forth in this section are met, the application shall be approved. Conditions may be applied when the proposed building or structure does not comply with such criteria and shall be such as to bring such building or structure into conformity. If an application is disapproved, the Architectural and Design Review Commission shall detail in its findings the criterion or criteria that are not met. The action taken by the Architectural and Design Review Commission shall be reduced to writing and signed by the chairman, and a copy thereof shall be made available to the applicant upon request.
   A decision or order of the Architectural and Design Review Commission or the Director shall not become effective until the expiration of fourteen (14) calendar days after the date upon which a ruling of the Architectural and Design Review Commission or the Director has been made.
   Nothing required by this article shall be construed to supersede the requirements set forth in chapter 2, article 7 of this title regarding the conversion of the form of ownership of an existing rental apartment building that has been determined by the Planning Commission to be a "character contributing building" in accordance with section 10-2-707 of this title to a common interest development within the meaning and definitions of that article.
(Ord. 24-O-2896, eff. 7-1-2024)