Upon application by a property owner, and pursuant to the provisions of this section, the planning commission may approve unoccupied architectural features as set forth in subsection 10-3-2006A of this article and may establish building lines in the C-5 zone other than those set forth in this article.
In addition, upon application by a property owner, and pursuant to the provisions of this article, the planning commission may establish open space requirements in the C-5 zone less than the standards set forth in this article for: a) projects that are limited to the remodel of an existing building, and b) additions that do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the building's square footage that was legally permitted on December 14, 1993.
   A.   Findings: The planning commission may approve unoccupied architectural features, establish building lines or establish open space requirements pursuant to this section if the commission finds that such requirements will not adversely impact the present or planned character of the C-5 zone.
   B.   Procedure: An application to establish building setbacks, building lines and open space requirements shall be filed with the director of planning and community development and shall be processed pursuant to the procedures provided in article 36 of this chapter for processing minor accommodations applications. (Ord. 94-O-2193, eff. 3-4-1994)