10-3-1521: DEFINITIONS:
Unless the context otherwise requires, the following definitions shall govern the construction of this article:
CHILDCARE FACILITY: Shall have the same meaning ascribed to that term by California Government Code section 65915, or its successor statute.
DENSITY BONUS: Shall have the same meaning ascribed to that term by California Government Code section 65915, or its successor statute.
ELIGIBLE HOUSEHOLDS: Includes lower income households, persons and families of low or moderate income, qualifying senior residents, and very low income households.
ELIGIBLE UNITS: Dwelling units that are restricted to occupancy by eligible households.
LOWER INCOME HOUSEHOLDS: Shall have the same meaning ascribed to that term by California Health And Safety Code section 50079.5, or its successor statute.
PERSONS AND FAMILIES OF LOW OR MODERATE INCOME: Shall have the same meaning ascribed to those terms by California Health And Safety Code section 50093, or its successor statute.
QUALIFYING SENIOR RESIDENT: Shall have the same meaning ascribed to the term "qualifying resident" by section 51.3 of the California Civil Code, or its successor statute.
SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING DEVELOPMENT: Shall have the same meaning ascribed to that term by section 51.3 of the California Civil Code, or its successor statute.
VERY LOW INCOME HOUSEHOLDS: Shall have the same meaning ascribed to that term by California Health And Safety Code section 50105, or its successor. (Ord. 05-O-2482, eff. 9-16-2005)