A.   The appointing authority shall have the right to discipline any employee under their jurisdiction, subject to the employee's right of appeal. All employees holding positions in the classified service shall be subject to suspension without pay, demotion, reduction in compensation, reprimand, or dismissal from office or employment for misconduct, incompetency, inefficiency, insubordination, failure to perform duties, falsifying an oath, failure to comply with the personnel rules and regulations adopted by Council, or failure to observe the rules and regulations of their department. A reduction in pay shall not be deemed a demotion within the meaning of this section if the reduction is part of a general program to reduce all salaries and wages as an economy program of the City.
   B.   The City Council shall have the right to evaluate and dismiss or release any Assistant City Manager, Deputy City Manager, or department head positions for which advice and consent is required under subsection 2-5-204B of this title.
      1.   Evaluation: At the request of a Council member, the City Manager shall place on the agenda for a closed session the evaluation of the staff member.
      2.   Dismissal Or Release: At the request of three (3) or more Council members, the City Manager shall place on the agenda for a closed session the proposed dismissal or release of the staff member.
Nothing in this subsection in any way limits the right of the City Manager to discipline, dismiss or release any employee. (Ord. 16-O-2710, eff. 9-30-2016)