Housing is considered to be housing for the elderly or disabled if all the units are occupied by one of the following:
   A.   A household in which the head and/or his (her) spouse is sixty two (62) years or older; or
   B.   A household in which the head and/or his (her) spouse is sixty two (62) years or older with a disabled child; or
   C.   A household headed by a disabled person who has an impairment which is expected to be of a long, continued and indefinite duration and which:
      1.   Substantially impedes the person's ability to live independently; or
      2.   Is of such nature that the person's ability to live independently could be improved by a more suitable housing condition.
Notwithstanding the above, one unit may be occupied by a family who is neither elderly nor disabled but who occupies the unit for the specific purpose of managing and/or operating the housing complex. (Ord. 12-O-2633, eff. 11-23-2012)