A.   Nonconforming Use: A hotel is not a permitted use within the RMCP zone.
   B.   Uses Restricted: Within any nonconforming hotel in the RMCP zone, it shall be unlawful for any person to erect, construct, establish, alter, enlarge, maintain, or use any building, structure, or improvement which is used, designed, arranged, or intended to be used or occupied for retail sales rooms (other than convenience retail uses permitted pursuant to a conditional use permit), stores, offices of a business other than the hotel, and other service uses such as vehicle rentals.
   C.   Expansion Restricted: A nonconforming hotel in the RMCP zone may be altered or enlarged for the purpose of renovating the hotel, provided that such alteration or enlargement does not increase the total number of guestrooms in the nonconforming hotel. It shall otherwise be unlawful to expand, enlarge or intensify a nonconforming hotel use except as allowed by section 10-3-1240 of this article. (Ord. 01-O-2383, eff. 1-2-2001; amd. Ord. 02-O-2408, eff. 10-18-2002)