No building, structure, or improvement, other than a single one- family residence and appurtenant structures, shall be erected, constructed, established, maintained, altered, or enlarged upon lots 18, 19, or 20, or any combination thereof, of tract 6980, being the site of the Beverly Hills Women's Clubhouse, except a clubhouse used and occupied by and for the Beverly Hills Women's Club or a women's club of similar kind and type, and then only in accordance with the following provisions, conditions, and restrictions:
   A.   Size And Location Of Structures: Any building, structure, or improvement on all, either, or any combination of said lots shall be of a size and type conforming generally in style and appearance, size, and arrangement with single-family residence structures in the vicinity, shall not exceed two (2) stories or twenty six feet (26') in overall height, whichever shall be the lesser, and shall be set back from Chevy Chase Drive and from the common property line between lots 20 and 21 of tract 6980 in accordance with the respective setbacks established by the laws of the city. (The laws now in effect provide for a front setback of 25 feet from Chevy Chase Drive and a setback of 10 feet from the common property line between lots 20 and 21.)
   B.   Parking: Provisions for the surface parking of automobiles may be made upon any portion of the premises unoccupied by the structure of the women's club provided the regular setback from Chevy Chase Drive and from Benedict Canyon Drive is maintained in accordance with established setbacks and controlling laws. Any parking space shall be paved, and the paved area shall be not less than twenty five feet (25') from Chevy Chase Drive but may extend to the existing wall between lots 20 and 21. If the existing building is replaced or is substantially remodeled or enlarged, adequate automobile parking space shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of this code in effect at that time for places of public assembly. A wall six feet (6') high shall separate the space for automobile parking and the front setback area, and all setback areas shall be properly planted and maintained similar to residential setback areas in the vicinity.
   C.   Commercial Uses: The use of the premises or any portion thereof for commercial purposes, as that term is generally defined, shall be deemed to be a use for other than club purposes and hereby is prohibited. The lease or rental of any building, structure, or improvement, or any part thereof, or of any of the lots or combination thereof, to any person, or group of persons, or use by any, shall be deemed to be a use other than for club purposes unless the activities engaged in by such lessee or user are ethical, social, educational, or cultural, and similar to and of the character of activities of the women's club. If the rental charged is substantially greater than the cost to the women's club of janitor service, public utilities, normal wear and tear, and the policing and supervising of such use, it shall be deemed to be an indication that the use is for financial profit and not solely for ethical, social, educational, and cultural purposes similar in character to use by the Beverly Hills Women's Club by and for the members, and therefore commercial in character.
   D.   Meetings: Not more than one evening meeting per week shall be held other than the meetings of the women's club or one of its various divisions, and any such evening meeting, other than the meetings of the women's club or one of its various divisions, shall adjourn at nine forty five o'clock (9:45) P.M. of the same day and shall disperse promptly thereafter; provided, however, that no such evening meeting shall be held during the months of July and August. Any meeting of the women's club or any of its divisions shall adjourn not later than eleven thirty o'clock (11:30) P.M. of the same day and shall disperse promptly thereafter.
All other meetings (other than the 1 meeting per week and other than the meetings of the women's club or 1 of its various divisions) shall adjourn not later than seven o'clock (7:00) P.M. of the same day and disperse promptly thereafter.
   E.   Traffic Officer: A traffic officer shall be provided at the expense of the club during the period beginning one-half (1/2) hour before and until one-half (1/2) hour after any meeting of more than one hundred fifty (150) persons during the day or evening. Any additional traffic control deemed necessary by the chief of police shall be at the expense of the city.
   F.   Meals And Liquor: No restaurant, tearoom, or beauty parlor shall be conducted upon the premises or any part thereof, and no intoxicating liquor shall be dispersed, served, kept, or permitted upon the premises or any part thereof.
   G.   Uses: Nothing contained in this section shall prevent the use of the club premises, building, structure, or improvements for ethical, social, educational, cultural, and similar enterprises and purposes sponsored or approved by the women's club and subject to the provisions of this section. If the property or any part thereof ceases to be used by and for a women's club, the premises shall be used and zoned in accordance with the zoning of all immediately surrounding property: zone R-1, single- residential. (1962 Code § 10-206; amd. Ord. 91-O-2133, eff. 12-5-1991)