The International Property Maintenance Code is a supplement to other city codes, such as the Housing Code, chapter 8, article A of this title, and title 4, chapter 1, "Public Nuisances", of this code.
The following amendments, modifications, additions and deletions to the International Property Maintenance Code 2015 are hereby made:
Section 101.1: City of Bettendorf is inserted as the name of the municipality in those parts of the codes where such insertions are necessary or appropriate.
Add the following sentence to end of section 101.3: This code is intended to work in conjunction with city code title 10, chapter 8, article A, and title 4, chapter 1.
Amend the Title of Section 103 to Community Development Department.
Delete Section 103.5 in its entirety.
Section 111.1: amend first sentence to add Building in front of Board of Appeals and change "appeals filed within 20 days" to "appeals filed within 10 days".
Delete Section 111.2 in its entirety.
Section 302.4: 10 inches is inserted as the height in inches.
Section 303.2: amend 1st sentence from 24 inches to 18 inches.
Section 602.3: delete portion of first sentence "supply heat during the period from (date) to (date)".
Section 602.4: delete portion of first sentence "during the period from (date) to (date)".
(Ord. 26-17, 8-1-2017)