The board shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
   A.   To meet and organize the selection of one of their members to serve as president and such other officers as the board shall deem appropriate.
   B.   To establish its rules of procedure, time and place of meeting, and votes required, so long as such rules do not violate the municipal or state code requirements.
   C.   To establish policies concerning hours of operation, classes provided, and exhibits presented consistent with budgeted amounts.
   D.   To work with and support the department and other city officials in the promotion of the museum and learning campus.
   E.   To accept on behalf of the city gifts or items deemed appropriate for use by the museum, funds given to the department, establish long range strategic directives for the facility and work toward their achievement.
   F.   To recommend to the mayor the appointment of persons to serve on the board.
   G.   To establish such committees or task forces as will assist the board in implementing the above duties. (2008 Code § 15-5)