A.   Permit Required; Specifications:
      1.   No person or owner of property shall construct any sidewalk or driveway approach or make any curb cut on a public street without first obtaining a permit.
      2.   A driveway approach to a single-family residential lot shall be the same width of the applicant's driveway at the point of connection up to, but not to exceed, twenty feet (20'), except where applicant has a three (3) car garage, in which case a driveway approach shall be the same width of the applicant's driveway at the point of connection or thirty three feet (33'), whichever is less.
      3.   The driveway located in an A-1 agricultural district may be composed of material comparable to an adjoining city or county street or road.
      4.   The driveway must meet Bettendorf fire department maneuverability and weight bearing standards. (2008 Code § 27-57)
   B.   Application; Fee; Granting Of Permit:
      1.   Application for a permit along with payment of a permit fee pursuant to the fee schedule adopted from time to time by resolution of the city council shall be made to the building inspector on forms supplied by the building department. The community development director shall, within ten (10) days following the filing of the application, either grant or deny the permit. Said permit must be granted if the proposed sidewalk, driveway approach or curb cut will not: (2008 Code § 27-57; amd. 2015 Code)
         a.   Endanger the traveling public or pedestrians;
         b.   Cause damage or injury to any public improvements, public facilities or public utilities;
         c.   Cause substantial injury to the rights of adjacent property owners;
         d.   Unreasonably reduce the carrying capacity of the public street. (2008 Code § 27-57)
      2.   The community development director may grant a permit subject to conditions or limitations reasonably designed to ensure compliance with the above.
   C.   Right Of Appeal: The applicant may appeal to the city council a determination of the community development director granting or denying an access permit by filing a written notice of appeal with the city clerk within thirty (30) days following the date of the community development director's determination. (2008 Code § 27-57; amd. 2015 Code)