(A)   The City Manager is authorized and directed to manage and operate the cemetery, and to negotiate and sell burial lots as the need arises.
(Prior Code, § 12-303)
   (B)   (1)   The Cemetery Manager shall have charge of and control of the cemetery and shall be authorized to enforce rules and regulations governing the management, improvement and establishment of the cemetery and shall be authorized to negotiate for the sale of lots which shall be sold or for which an interment shall be made. The Manager shall have authority to delegate to any city employee or person other than a city employee, as deemed necessary and advisable, responsibility for the maintenance and control of the cemetery.
      (2)   It shall be his or her duty and under his or her control to determine the duties as deemed necessary and advisable for the care and protection of the grounds and their appurtenances are carried out and to enforce the rules and regulations as are made from time to time by the Cemetery Trustees, to superintend repairs and construction or improvements and maintenance of all permanent improvements and embellishments of any kind which tend to beautify the cemetery or preserve it permanently as a place of burial for the human dead.
      (3)   It shall further be his or her duty to see that all money is receipted from the sale of the lots or from interments or any other source, and to see that the funds are deposited by the City Treasurer as provided otherwise in this chapter. The Treasurer shall, on the order of the Manager, draw the funds in payment for repairs, materials and services in the management, care and preservation of cemetery property. The Board of Trustees, by resolution from time to time, shall set the rules and regulations and prices for cemetery lots as they deem proper and for the best interest of the cemetery.
(Prior Code, § 12-304)
   (C)   The City Manager is authorized to repurchase unused burial sites at a price not to exceed $350, when, in the opinion of the City Manager, the repurchase is advantageous and the money is available. (Prior Code, § 12-305)
   (D)   The resale or transfer of cemetery lots by any party other than the City of Bethany is prohibited, except transfers by operation of law, including inheritance, and transfers among persons related by blood or marriage are permitted under rules and regulations adopted by the City Council from time to time.
(Am. Ord. 1778, passed 12-19-06)