   The town’s Clerk-Treasurer or any other person authorized to invest public moneys shall invest the same in those investments authorized by the town’s Board of Trustees or authorized by state law in a manner authorized by either or both such Board of Trustees and statutes.
(Prior Code, § 2-1-3)
   (A)   Compliance with state law. Claims against the town shall be made and processed as provided by 62 O.S. §§ 304.1 to 305.2, and any other applicable provisions of law.
   (B)   When affidavit required.
      (1)   On every contract submitted to the town for payment to an architect, contractor, engineer or supplier of material of $25,000 or more, shall be the following signed and notarized statement:
COUNTY OF                                         )
The undersigned (architect, contractor, supplier or engineer) of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath says that this contract is true and correct. Affiant further states that the (work, services or materials) as shown by this contract have been (completed or supplied) in accordance with the plans, specifications, orders or requests furnished the affiant Affiant further states that (s)he has made no payment directly or indirectly to any elected official, officer or employee of the State of Oklahoma, any county or local subdivision of the state, of money or any other thing of value to obtain or procure the contract or purchase order.
(Architect, contractor, supplier or engineer)
Subscribed and sworn to before me this             day of                  ,           
Notary Public (or clerk or judge)
      (2)   Division (B)(1) above shall not apply to monthly billings submitted to the town of public utility companies or telephone companies, whose services are regulated by the state’s Corporation Commission, but will apply to said utility companies or telephone companies for billings pertaining to installations or changes in services.
   (C)   Warrants; disbursement of funds. Warrants shall be issued and processed and funds of the town disbursed only for legal purposes and in accordance with 62 O.S. §§ 372, 471 to 485 and 551 to 555.
(Prior Code, § 2-1-4)
§ 35.05 BOND ISSUES.
   Bonds of the town shall be issued, sold, paid and handled in all respects as provided by 62 O.S. §§ 351 et seq., and other applicable provisions of law.
(Prior Code, § 2-1-5)
   (A)   Examination by Board of Trustees. The books of the town’s Clerk-Treasurer shall be subject to examination by the town’s Board of Trustees at all times, as provided by 11 O.S. §§ 12-106 and 12-110. Likewise, the records of the town’s Clerk-Treasurer and of all other officers and employees of the town shall be subject to inspection by the Board of Trustees at all times.
   (B)   Audits.
      (1)   The Board of Trustees shall designate a qualified public accountant to audit the financial records and transactions of the town’s Clerk-Treasurer and all other personnel of the town who keep financial records and make financial transactions, as of the end of every fiscal year at least, and such accountant shall make such audit and shall report to the Board of Trustees.
      (2)   Upon petition of a number of voters of the town equal at least to one-fourth of the number of people voting at the last general town election, the financial books and records of the town will be audited by the state’s examiner and inspector, as provided by 74 O.S. §§ 212 and 215.
(Prior Code, § 2-1-6)
§ 35.07 INSURANCE.
   (A)   The town’s Board of Trustees may insure property of the town as authorized by 11 O.S. §§ 23-101 et seq. and 19 O.S. § 627.
   (B)   Any money received as a result of destruction, damages or loss of such insured property shall be accounted for and used as provided by 19 O.S. § 627.
(Prior Code, § 2-1-7)
   (A)   Definition. The term CONTRACTUAL SERVICES, for the purpose of this section, means services performed for the town by persons not in the employ of the town, and may include the use of equipment or the furnishing of commodities in connection with such services under express or implied contract. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES includes travel; freight; express; parcel post; postage; telephone; telegraph; utilities; rents; repairs, alterations and maintenance of buildings, equipment, streets and bridges, and other physical facilities of the town; and other services performed for the town by persons not in the employ of the town.
   (B)   Authority.
      (1)   All purchases of supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services for the town shall be made by the town’s Board of Trustees or pursuant to authorizations granted by it.
      (2)   The town purchasing authority shall contract for and purchase all supplies, materials and equipment for the offices, departments and agencies of the town. The purchasing authority may also transfer to or between offices, departments and agencies, or sell surplus or obsolete supplies, materials and equipment.
   (C)   Purchases requiring Board approval and bidding; procedures.
      (1)   Before a contract shall be entered into, or any such purchase made involving the expenditure of more than $25,000, or any sale made of property, the value of which is more than $1,000, such contract or sale shall:
         (a)   Be approved by the town’s Board of Trustees;
         (b)   Be submitted for competitive bidding, except as provided in this section; and
         (c)   Have written notice given by the town purchasing authority for sealed bids for the furnishing of such supplies, materials or equipment where competitive bidding is required hereunder.
      (2)   The notice required in this division (C) shall state the time and place for filing the bids, shall contain an ample description of the supplies, materials and equipment to be purchased or sold, the time and place the bids will be opened, and that all bids may be rejected.
      (3)   The bids shall be in writing and sealed and filed with the town’s Clerk-Treasurer prior to the time they are to be opened. The bids may be rejected or the town may readvertise for bids, or after due consideration thereof, may award a contract to purchase such supplies, materials or equipment from the lowest and best responsible bidder. However, the town purchasing authority may, at his or her option, purchase any such materials, supplies and equipment through central purchasing of the state.
   (D)   Bidding not required. The following may be purchased without giving an opportunity for competitive bidding:
      (1)   Supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services where cost does not exceed $25,000 in a single transaction;
      (2)   Supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services which can be furnished only by a single dealer or a sole source vendor, or which have a uniform price wherever bought;
      (3)   Supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services purchased from another unit of government at a price deemed below that obtainable from private dealers, including war surplus, or purchased at auction at a price deemed below that obtainable elsewhere;
      (4)   Contractual services (gas, electricity, telephone service and the like) purchased from a public utility at a price or rate determined by the state’s Corporation Commission or other government authority;
      (5)   Supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services when purchased at a price not exceeding a price set therefor by the state purchasing agency or any other state agency authorized to regulate prices for things purchased by the state (whether such price is determined by a contract negotiated with a vendor or otherwise);
      (6)   Contractual services of a professional nature, such as engineering, architectural, medical and legal services; or
      (7)   When an emergency is declared to exist. In that situation only, the Mayor and Town Clerk- Treasurer are authorized to approve necessary expenditures of the town for amounts up to $5,000 per purchase.
(Prior Code, § 2-1-8) (Res. 2010-1, passed 3-8-2010)