General Provisions
   92.01   Fireworks
Fire Codes and Prevention Regulations
   92.15   Fire codes
   92.16   Storage of flammables and explosives
   92.17   Permits for new materials, processes or occupancies
   92.18   Appeals
   92.99   Penalty
§ 92.01 FIREWORKS.
   (A)   Definition. For the purpose of this section, FIREWORKS shall have the same meaning as in state law, 68 O.S. §§ 1621 et seq.
(Prior Code, § 5-5-1)
   (B)   Limited use of fireworks.
      (1)   It is unlawful for any person to use or discharge fireworks within the municipal boundaries of the Town of Bernice except as follows:
         (a)   Between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. from June 15 through July 3;
         (b)   Between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and midnight on July 4;
         (c)   Between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. on December 15 through December 30;
         (d)   Between the hours of 9:00 a.m. on December 31 and 12:30 a.m. on January 1; and
         (e)   Between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. on January 1 and January 2nd.
(Prior Code, § 5-5-2)
      (2)   Any person violating subsection (B)(1) of this Section shall be guilty of a municipal offense punishable as follows:
         (a)   For a first or second offense, by a fine of up to $100; or
         (b)   For a third or subsequent offense by a fine of up to $200.
   (C)   Manufacture, display, or sale of fireworks.
      (1)   It is unlawful for anyone to manufacture, display, or offer fireworks for sale within the municipal boundaries of the Town of Bernice without a permit.
         (a)   An annual permit to manufacture fireworks within the Town may be obtained from the Town Clerk upon proper application, approval by the Fire Chief, and payment of a permit fee in the amount of $100.
         (b)   An annual permit to display or offer fireworks for sale within the Town may be obtained from the Town Clerk upon proper application and payment of a perm it fee in the amount of $25.
      (2)   Any person violating subsection (C)(1) of this Section by manufacturing, displaying, or offering fireworks for sale within the municipal boundaries of the Town of Bernice without a permit shall be guilty of a municipal offense punishable as follows:
         (a)   For a first or second offense, by a fine of up to $100; or
         (b)   For a third or subsequent offense, by a fine of up to $200.
   (D)   Fireworks displays. At any time during the year, a permit for a fireworks show may be authorized by the Town Board of Trustees.
      (1)   To receive approval, application must be made to the Town Board in writing at least 45 days prior to the proposed fireworks how and a permit fee in the amount of $25 shall be paid.
      (2)   Any person violating subsection (D) of this Section shall be guilty of a municipal offense punishable by a fine of up to $100.
(Prior Code, § 5-5-3)
(Ord. 2013-2, passed 6-10-2013; Ord. 2023-5.30-7, passed 5-30-2023) Penalty, see § 92.99
§ 92.15 FIRE CODES.
   (A)   Codes adopted. There are hereby adopted for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, that certain code known as the “Fire Prevention Code”, recommended by the National Fire Protection Association, and that certain code known as the “Life Safety Code”, recommended by the National Fire Protection Association, being particularly the latest editions thereof and the whole thereof, save and except such portions as are hereinafter deleted, modified or amended by this code. At least one copy of the Fire Prevention Code and the Life Safety Code is on file in the office of the town’s Clerk-Treasurer. The Fire Prevention Code and the Life Safety Code are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein; and from the date on which this code shall take effect, the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the limits of the town.
   (B)   Authority to amend codes.
      (1)   The town’s Board of Trustees shall have power to modify any of the provisions of the Fire Prevention Code and the Life Safety Code upon application in writing by the owner or lessee, or his or her duly authorized agent, when there are practical difficulties in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the code; provided that, the spirit of the code shall be observed, public safety secured and substantial justice done.
      (2)   The particulars of such modification, when granted or allowed, and the decision of the Fire Chief and Board of Trustees thereon shall be entered upon the records of the Board of Trustees, and a signed copy shall be furnished the applicant.
(Prior Code, § 9-2-1)