There is hereby established a schedule of rates for the services and use of facilities of the stormwater management system by the owner, tenant, or occupant of the premises using the services and facilities of said system.
   (A)   The Common Council of the city hereby establishes and adopts the schedule for rates set forth in § 54.21 which provides a method for the determination of the stormwater user fee that shall be assessed and charged to each property which is subject to this subchapter.
   (B)   The stormwater user fee for each property shall be determined by selecting the monthly rate that corresponds to the impervious area of the property on the rate schedule. The impervious area of a property shall be determined by the Stormwater Board.
   (C)   The impervious area of contiguous improved parcels under common ownership can be combined for rate determination where continuous improvements (buildings, roof, driveway and parking area) span the parcels to be combined.
   (D)   The area of unimproved parcels under common ownership can be combined for rate determination where the parcels are contiguous.
   (E)   The property stormwater user fees shall be updated by the Manager based on any additions to the impervious areas as approved through the building permit process or as directed by the Stormwater Board upon appeal of the owner or by correction of error.
(Ord. 562, passed 7-24-06)