82.001 Authorization
82.002 Purpose and intent
82.003 Applicability
82.004 Exemptions
82.005 Definitions
82.006 Notice and hearing required for establishing or increasing impact fees
82.007 Imposition, calculation and collection of impact fees
82.008 Independent impact analysis
82.009 Impact fee accounts
82.010 Use of impact fee proceeds
82.011 Refunds
82.012 Audits
82.013 Appeals
82.014 Judicial review
82.015 Variances and exceptions
82.016 Amendment procedures
82.017 Credits
82.018 Conflicts
Cross Reference:
Benefit Areas, see Tables of Special Ordinances, Table 11.
This chapter is for the purpose of implementing the city's comprehensive plan (KRS 100.183-100.197) by requiring that new development pay for its fair share of public facilities through the imposition of impact fees that will be used to finance, defray, or reimburse all or a portion of the costs incurred by the city for public facilities that serve such development.
(Ord. No. 14-2001, 8-15-01)
Unless expressly expected or exempted, this chapter applies to all fees imposed by the city to finance capital facilities, the need for which is created by new development, including, but not limited to:
(A) Sewer development charges;
(B) Water development charges;
(C) Electric, natural gas, and other utility development charges;
(D) Park and recreation expenses;
(E) Drainage expenses;
(F) Police and fire expenses; and
(G) Transportation improvement expenses.
(Ord. No. 14-2001, 8-15-01)
This chapter does not apply to:
(A) Taxes and special assessments;
(B) Fees for processing development applications;
(C) Fees for enforcement of or inspections pursuant to regulatory ordinances;
(D) Fees collected under development agreements;
(E) Fees imposed pursuant to a reimbursement agreement between the city and a property owner for that portion of the cost of a public facility paid for by the property owner which exceeds the need for the public facility attributable to, reasonably related to, and roughly proportional to the development;
(F) Fees to mitigate impacts on the environment; or
(G) Fees imposed, levied, or collected by other governmental agencies including subdivisions of the state and federal government.
(Ord. No. 14-2001, 8-15-01)