   (A)   No precious metals dealer shall transact any business involving a secondhand purchase of an item containing a precious metal from a minor unless the minor is accompanied by a parent or guardian.
   (B)   No precious metals dealer shall transact business involving a secondhand purchase of an item containing a precious metal which item the dealer knows or has reason to believe is stolen.
(Ord. No. 11.81, § 6, 6-16-81)
§ 60.399 PENALTIES
   (A)   Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, nor more than two hundred fifty ($250.00) dollars, or imprisoned not more than ninety (90) days, or both, for each offense.
   (B)   Upon conviction of any violation of the terms of this article, the city shall be authorized to seek forfeiture of the bond provided for in this article, in a civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
(Ord. No. 11.81, § 7, 6-16-81)
   There is hereby established the following regulations concerning the sale of vehicles in the corporate limits of the city.
(Ord. No. 16-2002, 8-20-02)
   For purposes of this article, the following words shall have the following meanings ascribed to them:
   "AUTOMOBILE DEALER." Any person, partnership, corporation or other legal entity engaged in selling, offering to sell, trading, soliciting or advertising the sale of new or used motor vehicles or possessing motor vehicles for the purposes of resale or trade either on his own account or on behalf of another either as his primary business or incidental thereto. "AUTOMOBILE DEALER" shall not include any private citizen or person not engaged in the business of selling, offering to sell, soliciting or advertising the sale of new or used motor vehicles privately unless that person is selling vehicles as a business interest; nor shall this article apply to banks, lending institutions or financial institutions conducting a private or public sale of repossessed motor vehicles or motor vehicles sold under court order or through foreclosure proceedings.
(Ord. No. 16-2002, 8-20-02)
   (A)   Every automobile dealer desiring to sell or trade or conduct a sale of new or used automobiles within the city limits must maintain an established place of business within the city which is easily accessible and open for business at all reasonable business hours.
   (B)   An established place of business must include both an office and a vehicle storage/display lot at a location which is properly zoned for such use and must have its own mailing address.
      (1)   The office must be in a permanent, enclosed, commercial (not residential) structure on or adjoining the storage/display lot. The office must have at least one hundred (100) square feet of floor space, electricity and a business telephone. The office must be set up in such a way that it is not used for any other purpose other than the sale of vehicles.
      (2)   The vehicle storage/display lot must have at least two thousand (2,000) square feet and have an impermeable dust-free covering consisting of either asphalt or concrete and must be set up in such a manner that it may not be used for any other purpose other than display or storage of vehicles for sale or dealer customer parking. All storage/display lots must comply with city development regulations as established. All development must comply with the city development regulations.
   (C)   Unless an automobile dealer otherwise meets the requirements above, the sale, transfer, displaying or trading of vehicles shall not be allowed on a temporary location with in the city limits.
(Ord. No. 16-2002, 8-20-02)
   Every automobile dealer must have a sign which identifies the dealer business by name and which is placed on the premises so that it is clearly visible and can easily be read from the nearest roadway with lettering of at least nine (9) inches in height. All other sign provisions of city development regulations must be followed.
(Ord. No. 16-2002, 8-20-02)
   (A)   Any automobile dealer conducting business within the city must have a valid license certificate as required by KRS Chapter 190 et seq. and the regulations of the Kentucky Motor Vehicle Commission. The dealer license certificate, one (1) copy of all sales person's licenses and a city business license must be conspicuously displayed in the automobile dealer's office.
   (B)   Prior to the conduction of any business by an automobile dealer within the city, the dealer shall apply for all business licenses and pay the license fees required under the city occupational license regulations and amendments thereof.
(Ord. No. 16-2002, 8-20-02)