105.04 WARD THREE.
   Beginning at the intersection of the East Branch of the Rocky River and the Southern line
of P.P. # 362-26-005 (CSX Rail Line) where the Southeasterly corner of Ward 2 and the Western boarder of Ward 1 meet and proceeding Southerly along the centerline of the East Branch of the Rocky River to a point that intersects with the Westerly boundary of Ward 4 which is at the South-Eastern corner of P.P. #364-03-036;
   Thence South along the centerline of State Route 237 (aka Henry Street which then is aka Prospect Road) to its intersection with the centerline of West Street;
   Thence Westerly along the centerline of West Street to its intersection with the centerline of Crocker Street;
   Thence Southerly along the centerline of Crocker to its intersection with the centerline of Crosby Street;
   Thence Westerly along the centerline of Crosby to its intersection with the centerline of Fair Street;
   Thence Southerly along the centerline of Fair Street Road to its intersection with the centerline of Fairpark Drive;
   Thence Westerly along the centerline of Fairpark Drive to its intersection with the centerline of Woodmere Road;
   Thence Northerly along the centerline of Woodmere Road to its intersection with the centerline of Race Street;
   Thence Westerly along the centerline of Race Street to its intersection with the centerline of Adrian Drive;
   Thence Southerly along the centerline of Adrian Drive to its intersection with the centerline of Girard Drive;
   Thence Westerly along the centerline of Girard Drive to its intersection with the centerline of Beeler Drive;
   Thence Northerly along the centerline of Beeler Drive to its intersection with the centerline of West Street;
   Thence Westerly along the centerline of West Street to a point which is the Westerly Corporation limit of the City of Berea and which is located at the southwest corner of PPN 363- 03-002;
   Thence Northerly along the Corporation Line of the City of Berea to a point where said line intersects with the centerline of Lindberg Blvd.
   Thence North-Easterly along the centerline of Lindberg Blvd. to a point that intersects with the southerly border of P.P. # 362-26-005 (CSX Rail Line).   
   Thence North-Easterly along the southerly property line of P.P. #362-26-005 (CSX Rail Line) to a point of intersection of the East Branch of the Rocky River where the Southeasterly corner of Ward 2 and the Western boarder of Ward 1 meet, being the place of beginning.
(Ord. 2022-59. Passed 11-28-22.)