Chapter 278
Parks, Facilities and Beautification Committee
278.01   Establishment.
278.02   Community Tree Care.
   There is hereby and herein created a permanent committee to be known as the Parks, Facilities and Beautification Committee. Members of the committee shall be appointed by the Mayor and serve terms of one year, except for the original committee, whose term shall expire December 31, 2001.
(Ord. 2001-09. Passed 5-16-01.)
   (a)   There is hereby created a Community Tree Care program under the auspices of the Beautification and Facilities Committee of the Village Council.
   (b)   The Committee, in conjunction with the Service Department of the Village, will twice annually inspect the trees in the public areas throughout the Village to determine those in need of replacement, maintenance, or removal. Such Committee shall be in charge of determining the location and type of trees needed, and shall submit a budget for same to Village Council at the September meeting each year.
(Ord. 2003-08. Passed 4-23-03.)