(a)   President of Council.
      (1)   Effective January 1, 1986, the salary of the President of Council shall be two thousand two hundred dollars ($2,200) per annum, payable monthly.
      (2)   The President of Council’s salary shall be annually adjusted on January 1, of each year after 1986 by an amount equal to the same percentage of increase as used to increase other City employees.
      (3)   The President of Council shall give bond in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000).
(Ord. 66(84-85). Passed 11-25-85.)
   (b)   Councilpersons.
      (1)   Effective January 1, 1986, the salary of all Councilpersons shall be two thousand dollars ($2,000) per annum payable monthly.
      (2)   Councilpersons’ salaries shall be annually adjusted on January 1, of each year after 1986 by an amount equal to the same percentage of increase as used to increase other City employees.
      (3)   Councilpersons will give bond in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000).
(Ord. 67(84-85). Passed 11-25-85.)
   (c)   Absences.
      (1)   Any Council person is responsible for notifying the President of Council if he or she is going to be absent from any regular meeting.
      (2)   Allowable excuses shall include sickness of the Council person or their immediate family, work, vacation, death in the immediate family, or such other reason that a majority of Council finds to be appropriate.
      (3)   Any excuse will have to be explained by the President of Council at the regular stated meeting. A motion will then be made to excuse the Council person. A majority vote of Council is required for the excused person to be paid for the stated meeting.
         (Ord. 3(2004-05). Passed 3-8-04.)