(a)    Amusement Centers, Bowling Alleys, Theaters and Similar Places of Amusement.
      (1)    Such uses shall be conducted entirely within an enclosed structure, except as required in subsection (b) hereof.
      (2)    Parking areas shall be screened from adjoining residential properties in accordance with Section 1149.02(f)(2).
      (3)    A principal structure shall be not less than twenty feet from any property line.
      (4)    There shall be no offensive noise or vibration; such elements may be emitted only in accordance with the performance standards set forth herein.
   (b)    Outdoor Recreation Facilities.
      (1)    Such uses shall include miniature golf courses, ice skating rinks, swimming pools, tennis courts and amusement buildings or parks.
      (2)    Unenclosed recreational facilities shall be located not less than twenty- five feet from any property line except where greater distances are otherwise required herein and shall be effectively screened from adjoining residential uses in accordance with the provisions of Section 1149.02(f)(2).
      (3)    Illuminated signs and other lights shall be directed away, or shielded from adjoining residential properties in such a way as not to disturb the occupants thereof.
      (4)    No public address system shall be permitted except where such a system will not be audible at any adjoining residential property line.
      (5)    Private swimming pools, permanent and portable, which shall be accessory to a principal noncommercial dwelling use shall be regulated as follows; except that these regulations shall not apply to portable swimming pools which are not more than three feet in height nor more than fifteen feet in length.
         A.    May be erected only on the same zone lot as the principal structure.
         B.    May be erected only in the rear yard of such structure, and shall be distant not less than twenty feet from front and rear lot lines nor less than ten feet from any side yard, principal structure or accessory structure attached thereto.
         C.    There shall be erected, a minimum of five feet high, a chain link or other solid type fence which completely encloses any portable or permanent swimming pool. Such fencing shall be equipped with a self-closing and self-locking gate, operable from the inside only and/or by detachable key from the outside.
         D.    All pumping, cleaning, filtering and screening devices and water supply and discharge shall be of a type and source approved by local and/or State health department authorities.
            (Ord. 58(72-73). Passed 11-21-73.)