(a) Every owner or occupant of any lot or parcel located in the City which fronts or abuts a City street shall keep sidewalk fronting or abutting their property in good repair and free from nuisance, in conformity with specifications on file in the Office of the Safety-Service Director.
(b) The Safety-Service Director may give written notice to the owner or occupant of any lot or parcel who does not keep sidewalks fronting or abutting their property in good repair and free from nuisance, designating the repairs needed and fixing a time, not less than ten days after the notice, within which such repairs shall be made. Notice may be addressed to the owner or occupant at the address shown in the County Treasurer’s Office for the mailing of tax bills. Notice shall be deemed to be complete upon mailing.
(c) If such owner or occupant does not make the repairs as ordered by the Safety- Service Director, the City may make such repairs and assess costs against the owner or occupant, which costs may be certified by the City Auditor to the County Treasurer for collection through real estate tax billings.
(d) Whoever violates subsection (a) hereof shall be guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(e) No building permit shall be issued for new construction upon any lot or parcel fronting or abutting upon any City street without providing for the construction of new sidewalks where none have previously been constructed, or without repair of any existing sidewalks which is now in good repair and free of nuisance as of the date of application for said building permit. All construction or repair of sidewalks shall be in conformity with specifications on file in the Office of the Safety-Service Director.
(f) Further, no building permit shall be issued for any construction in the downtown revitalization area without providing for the construction of sidewalks in conformity with the specifications of the City’s street scape design, which specifications are on file in the Office of the Safety-Service Director.
(Ord. 33(98-99). Passed 1-11-99.)
(Ord. 33(98-99). Passed 1-11-99.)