The zoning official shall review all applications for a conditional use permit for a home day facility, upon review of the application if the zoning official may recommend one of the following to the Planning Commission:
   (A)   That a full hearing be conducted on the application and as a result of such recommendation all required notices and fees shall be made and assessed as per Chapter 156 and ordinances of the village; or
   (B)   Approval of application by zoning official:
      (1)   Upon review of the application if the zoning official has determined that the applicant has complied with and met the standards set forth in § 156.182 the zoning official may recommend approval of the application to the Planning Commission. If the zoning official makes such a determination and recommendation the zoning official shall provide public notice of the recommendation by posting notice at the proposed site and in two other public notice locations, such as the Public Notice Board in the police station lobby or the local public library, at least ten calendar days prior to final action by the Planning Commission on the application.
      (2)   Upon review of the application by the Planning Commission it may:
         (a)   Concur with the zoning official's recommendation and approve the application; or
         (b)   Require a full hearing on the application subject to the requirements and notices as provided in Chapter 156;
      (3)   The zoning official or Planning Commission, as the case may be, may include reasonable conditions to any recommendation for approval respectively, which shall include but not be limited to approval of application by the Village Board of Trustees.
(Ord. 03-60, passed 11-26-03)