§ 113.113 FLOOR AREA.
   (A)   Ancillary uses.
      (1)   For businesses which install coin-operated amusement devices as ancillary to its principal use, no license shall be issued to any person or for any premises in excess of one license for every 500 square feet of gross floor area for each premises in which the device is located.
      (2)   However, no more than ten licenses shall be issued to any applicant or for any premises regardless of the gross area of the premises.
      (3)   One license may be issued for any premises with less than 500 square feet of gross floor area.
   (B)   Primary uses. For businesses which maintain coin-operated amusement devices as their primary business, the following limitations shall apply:
      (1)   For gross floor area of 10,001 square feet up to 15,000 square feet: no more than 125 devices;
      (2)   For gross floor area of 15,001 square feet up to 20,000 square feet: no more than 200 devices.
(`95 Code, § 113.113) (Am. Ord. 97-8, passed 5-14-97)