§ 100.001 PURPOSE.
   (A)   It is the purpose of this subchapter to establish regulations limiting the removal and ensuring the replacement of trees removed from private property within the village and safeguard the ecological and aesthetic environment of the village by:
      (1)   Preserving trees as an important public resource that promote the general welfare and enhance the quality of life, unique character and physical, historical and aesthetic environment of the village;
      (2)   Promoting the essential character and aesthetic environment of those neighborhoods of the village that are heavily forested;
      (3)   Requiring use of indigenous tree species for all landscaping and streetscaping activities;
      (4)   Enhancing the air quality of the village through the filtering effect of trees on air pollutants and facilitate the goal of making the village as a net reducer of atmospheric carbon;
      (5)   Reducing noise within the village through the baffle and barrier effect of trees on the spread of noise;
      (6)   Stabilizing soil through the prevention of erosion and sedimentation;
      (7)   Reducing energy consumption through the windbreak and shade effects of trees, reducing home heating and cooling costs and reducing the "heat island" effect in the village;
      (8)   Preserving and enhancing nesting areas for birds and other wildlife which in turn assists in the control of insects;
      (9)   Reducing storm water runoff and associated costs, including property damage;
      (10)   Preventing the existence of trees which are invasive species, pose a threat or danger to the public or to the property in the village, and providing for the removal of such trees;
      (11)   Ensuring for the removal of diseased and infested trees and other plant species that pose a danger to other trees and plant species; and
      (12)   Protect and increase property value.
   (B)   Tree protection required. All regulated tree activities, as set forth in § 100.002, shall be performed in such a manner, to such a degree, and with such equipment and personnel, so as to reasonably involve the least amount of damage or removal of trees and not defeat, or be inconsistent with, the purposes and intent of this subchapter.
(Ord. 7-5, passed 1-24-07)