(A)   Any person, organization, or entity seeking to do work regulated under these property grading and excavation requirements and which is not otherwise determined to be a minor grading and excavation as established in § 99.088, shall apply for and obtain a property grading and excavation permit prior to commencing any grading or excavation work.
   (B)   The application for a site grading and excavation permit shall be provided on a form prescribed by the Comptroller, and shall contain the following minimum information:
      (1)   A grading plan that shall consist of the following:
         (a)   Vicinity map;
         (b)   Site plan which includes the following:
            1.   A graphic representation drawn to a scale which is noted on the drawing. In all cases the scale used shall be standard, being 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60 feet to the inch or multiples of ten of any one of these scales;
            2.   Existing and proposed topography;
            3.   Proposed elevations after grading is completed, including any modifications to drainage channels;
            4.   Any required retaining walls or other means of retaining cuts or fills including typical cross sections;
            5.   Typical cross sections showing existing and proposed elevations. Cross sections are to be taken through the areas that will show the most detail of the grading project;
            6.   Area of the site where construction, grading, cut or fill is proposed, plus a minimum of 50 feet surrounding the area;
            7.   Flow lines of surface waters onto and off the site;
            8.   Proposed building pad, areas with an impervious surface and existing and proposed finished floor and street elevations if building or parking construction is proposed;
            9.   Existing and proposed water quality sensitive areas, vegetated corridors, and drainage channels including drainage swales, wetlands, ditches and berms;
            10.   Location and design of any proposed facilities for storage or for conveyance of runoff into indicated drainage channels, including sumps, basins, channels, culverts, ponds, storm drains and drop inlets;
            11.   Location of any buildings or structures, parking areas or accessways existing or proposed on the site within 50 feet of the area that may be affected by the proposed grading operations; and
            12.   Location of any proposed streets;
         (c)   Written narrative and/or supplemental information including all of the following:
            1.   Explanation of the reason for the proposed grading, which must be an allowed use in the district;
            2.   Estimates of surface area disturbed by proposed grading and total parcel size;
            3.   Estimates of cut/fill volume in cubic yards;
            4.   Estimates of existing and increased runoff resulting from the proposed improvements;
            5.   Provision for saving the site topsoil (surface 12") for later revegetation and landscaping, including the locations of any temporary stockpile areas; and
            6.   Provisions for the disposal of excavated material, including the location of disposal;
         (d)   A compaction report where a site is proposed to be filled to be used for a building pad;
         (e)   A soil engineering report, including data regarding the nature, distribution and strength of existing soils, conclusions and recommendations for grading procedures and criteria for corrective measures when necessary, and opinions and recommendations covering adequacy of sites to be developed by the proposed grading;
         (f)   An engineering geology report, including a description of site geology, conclusion and recommendations regarding the effect of geologic conditions on the proposed development, and opinions and recommendations covering the adequacy of sites to be developed be the proposed grading; and
         (g)   Those plans and reports required in §§ 100.006, 100.007, and 100.008.
   (C)   The grading permit plans shall be final drawings and the site grading and excavation permit application shall be prepared and certified by an Illinois licensed civil engineer, and is to include specifications covering soils engineering or engineering geology construction and material requirements in addition to the following information:
      (1)   The grading will move more than 5,000 cubic yards or more;
      (2)   Grading for public improvements such as public roads, tracks, ponds and drainage facilities;
      (3)   Is within an identified hazard area, or is located within a Flood Plain or Drainage Hazard area; or
      (4)   The Comptroller determines that special conditions or unusual hazards exist.
(Ord. 7-50, passed 7-18-07)