(A)   Tree preservation plan required. Unless otherwise waived by the Comptroller, or his or her designee, a tree preservation plan with a scale no less than one inch equals ten feet, on a topographic map if deemed necessary by the Comptroller, shall be submitted to and approved by the Comptroller, or his or her designee and upon which shall be geographically and accurately marked all of the following information:
      (1)   The location, size and species (both scientific and common names) of all deciduous trees located on the parcel with a trunk size of four inches or greater or a multi-branch tree with an aggregate diameter of eight inches or greater, as measured at diameter breast height (52 inches) above the established ground level, all evergreen trees measuring five vertical feet or more in height, and all trees that are located within 15 feet of the lot line on adjacent parcels that fall within the size classifications as listed above. All trees illustrated on the tree preservation plan shall be numbered on the plan and tagged with the corresponding number on the site.
      (2)   As applicable, the construction activity area as depicted on the construction activity plan.
      (3)   The crown spread of the trees to be preserved and the location of the preservation fencing as required at the drip line of the tree(s) to be preserved with details of the tree protection fencing to be used.
      (4)   A tree survey prepared in accordance with § 100.006(G).
      (5)   For those trees being transplanted, outline the method of transplanting to be used, provide a detail of such, and indicate the permanent proposed location on the tree preservation plan.
      (6)   Proposed grading plan, if the grading will affect the preservation of existing trees. No soil is to be removed or added within the root zone of any tree that is to remain.
      (7)   As applicable, canopy and root pruning of trees directly impacted by construction.
      (8)   Any other relevant information as required by the Comptroller, or his or her designee.
   (B)   Preservation techniques. The following is a list of the minimum preservation techniques required with any regulated activity under this subchapter:
      (1)   Installation of temporary barriers. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall install all temporary barriers necessary for the preservation of existing plant materials on the parcel to be developed and adjacent parcels as approved by the Village Board. All fencing shall be of a rigid material such as wooden snow fencing, brightly colored plastic construction fencing, chainlink fencing, or an alternative barrier, with the written approval of the Comptroller, or his or her designee, and shall be installed at the periphery of the drip line of the tree or at a distance of one foot for every caliper inch as measured at 12 inches above the established ground level, whichever is greater, to prevent the storage of vehicles or materials and the encroachment of grading and construction equipment. Such fencing shall be securely fastened to metal fence posts spaced a maximum of eight feet apart.
      (2)   Additional root zone protection. Additional root zone protection may be used in areas where proposed improvements will encroach upon the root zone of existing trees. Root zone protection shall consist of one-half inch plywood panels placed on top of the undisturbed root zone of trees designated to remain. Panels shall be covered with enough soil to prevent movement during high winds and by construction equipment. Barriers and root zone protection shall be installed and approved prior to any earthwork or construction activity and shall be maintained throughout construction to the satisfaction of the Comptroller, or his or her designee.
      (3)   Construction within drip line. All trees to be preserved which are subjected to construction activity within the drip line shall be selectively pruned or thinned by a degreed forester or arborist certified by the International Society of Arborculture. Such procedure shall be approved by the Comptroller, or his or her designee, prior to commencing the work. None of the trees shall be topped, headed back, or skinned. The trees shall not be climbed using spikes. All deadwood in all preserved trees shall be removed to reduce hazard.
   (C)   Inspection of tree preservation fencing. Regulated activities shall not begin on property unless and until the property has been inspected by the village for compliance with the tree preservation plan and, as applicable, the construction activity plan. In no case shall tree preservation fencing be removed, breached, temporarily removed, altered, or relocated without written authorization from the Comptroller, or his or her designee.
   (D)   Material storage. No construction activity, movement, or placement of equipment, materials, or spoils storage shall be permitted within the root zone of any protected tree illustrated on the tree preservation plan. No excess soil, additional fill, crushed limestone, liquids, or construction debris shall be placed within the root zone or located at a higher location where drainage toward the tree(s) could conceivably affect the health of said tree(s).
   (E)   Underground utility conflicts. In the event an underground utility line is to be located within five feet of the trunk of a tree designated for preservation, the utility line shall be augered to prevent damage to the root system of the tree. A property owner or contractor shall not be responsible for damages caused by the action of a public utility unless that person directed the location and manner of work of the utility.
   (F)   Attachments to trees. No attachments, signs, fences, or wires, other than approved for bracing, guying or wrapping, shall be attached to trees during the construction period.
(Ord. 7-5, passed 1-24-07)