The Planning Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
(A) To initiate amendments to this chapter including both changes in the text or changes of the use district of any parcel of land;
(B) To review applications for amendments to this chapter and make recommendations to Village Council thereon, including both changes in the text or changes of the use district of any parcel of land whether initiated by Village Council or initiated by any owner or leasee of the land in question;
(C) To review and approve or deny the platting or other subdivision of land within this village in accordance with the village subdivision ordinance, Chapter 154 of this code of ordinances;
(D) To review and approve or deny site plans for the use of land within this village for all uses except one- and two-family dwelling units. All site plans shall be drawn on a scale of one inch to 20 feet;
(E) To grant variances in the use of land permitted in a particular district where the proposed use is similar in character to the uses already permitted in the district and the proposed use will be consistent with the overall character of the district as stated in this chapter. No use variance shall be permitted under this division where the effect of the variance would be to rezone the land to another use district as, for example, where the use in question is already expressly permitted in another use district;
(F) To grant variances from the literal requirements of the requirements of this chapter where because of unique circumstances applicable to the particular property under consideration, the literal application of a particular provision of this chapter will cause undue hardship and the variance will not be detrimental to the overall purpose of this chapter;
(G) To hear and decide appeals from any decision of the Zoning Inspector in denying or granting a zoning or sign permit under this chapter;
(H) To issue conditional zoning permits where such permits are provided for a particular use within a use district and where the Commission finds that each of the specific conditions has been met or that the waiver of one or more of the specific conditions will be in accordance with the standards herein provided.
(Ord. 87-27, § 603, passed 7-7-1987)