COMMERCIAL SIGN. A sign used to promote the sale of product or service.
OFF-PREMISES ACTIVITIES SIGN. A sign denoting the name of a business, its products, services, logo, slogans or other information relating to goods or services which are not sold on the premises where the sign is located.
ON-PREMISES ACTIVITIES SIGN. A sign denoting the name of a business or its products, services, logo, slogans or other information relating to goods or services sold on the premises where the sign is located.
POLE SIGN. A sign wholly supported by a structure placed on or into the ground.
PROJECTING SIGN. A sign which is affixed to a wall or other structure in such a manner as to form a 90° angle therewith.
PYLON SIGN. A sign with an enclosed base which appears to be an integral part of the sign.
SHOPPING CENTER. A group of contiguous retail stores originally planned and developed as a single unit with common off-street parking facilities.
SIGN. Any object which is used to display words, letters, pictures, or symbols with the intent to convey a message or attract attention.
TEMPORARY SIGNS. A sign which is not permanently affixed to the ground or a building and is capable of being moved with a minimum of effort.
WALL SIGN. A sign attached to or erected against or applied directly upon a wall of a building or other structure and may be an integral part of the wall with the exposed face of the sign in a place parallel to the place of the wall.
(Ord. 87-27, § 574, passed 7-7-1987)