The following shall be the minimum number of spaces required:
   (A)   Residential uses.
      (1)   One- or two-family dwelling units, two per dwelling unit which may include parking space in the garage.
      (2)   Multiple-family dwelling units, two per dwelling unit plus one for each full-time employee which may include parking spaces in garages.
   (B)   Commercial uses.
      (1)   Retail stores and shopping centers, three spaces for each 1,000 square feet of floor area open to the public.
      (2)   Banks, savings and loans or credit unions, one for each employee and one for each 100 square feet of floor area open to the public.
      (3)   Office use, one for each employee and one for each 200 square feet of usable floor space.
      (4)   Restaurants, taverns, nightclubs, one space for each employee and one space for each three customer seats.
      (5)   Funeral homes, one space for each 50 square feet of area used for displaying bodies.
      (6)   Schools:
         (a)    Elementary and junior high, two for each classroom and one for every eight seats in the room with the largest seating capacity.
         (b)   High school, one for each employee and one for every ten students.
         (c)   Business or trade schools, one for each employee and one for every two students.
      (7)   Hotels or motels, one space for each employee, and five for every four guest rooms.
      (8)   Rest, nursing or convalescent homes, one space for each employee and one space for every four patients or residents.
      (9)   Indoor recreation, one space for each employee and one space for each 200 square feet of area open to the public.
      (10)   Outdoor recreation except golf courses, one space for each employee and one for each 300 square feet open to the public.
      (11)   Bowling alley, one space for each employee and four spaces for each alley or lane.
      (12)   Private club or lodge, one space for each employee and one space for every three seats.
      (13)   Churches, one space for every three seats in the largest room.
      (14)   Rooming, boarding, fraternity or sorority houses, one space for each two residents and one space for each available room.
      (15)   Golf courses, one space for each employee and two for every green.
      (16)   Service repair garages, one space for each employee on the largest shift, one space for each service bay area, one space for each business vehicle.
   (C)   Industrial uses. One space for each employee on the largest shift.
(Ord. 87-27, § 537, passed 7-7-1987; Ord. 2010-63, passed 5-17-2010)