A home sale is a sale of personal property to the general public conducted on any portion of the residence property within a residential zoning district, to include but not limited to garage sales, patio sales, yard sales, carport sales, basement sales, porch sales, driveway sales, rummage sales. All home sales must meet the following requirements:
(A) Home sales shall not be conducted on the same residential property more than twice in a 12-month period.
(B) No home sale shall be commenced earlier than 9:00 a.m., nor shall the sale last later than sundown.
(C) No home sale shall last more than three consecutive days.
(D) No home sales shall offer new or used merchandise for sale that has been purchased by the resident for purpose of such resale at such home sale.
(Ord. 87-27, § 510, passed 7-7-1987)