(A)   The purpose of a Utility District is to allow the location of certain utility structures to occur without detrimental effect upon the balance of the various zoning districts within the village and particularly located away from residential districts, existing residences or where the likelihood of residential and business development is minimal and the location is otherwise remote or accessible only by private road or easement.
   (B)   Within the U-1 Utility District the following uses may be conditionally permitted: A wireless telecommunication facility consisting of some or all of the following: a tower, an equipment building, antenna, and other related telecommunication equipment subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   A site plan according to scale shall be provided showing the design and painted color of the tower and its location of the property.
      (2)   The facility shall be unattended on a daily basis and be visited only for necessary maintenance or repairs.
      (3)   No tower shall be constructed with lights and be painted red/white or in other bright colors except when specifically required by a federal law or regulation. When lights are required, white or strobe lights shall not be used unless specifically required by federal law or regulation.
      (4)   The tower shall be sited and be of a design and color(s) that would incorporate the characteristics of the immediate surrounding area so as to provide a natural blending of the tower into its surrounding environment and be aesthetically harmonious with it. No advertising shall be permitted on the tower.
      (5)   The tower shall be constructed so as to allow for the co-location of at least two additional antennas unless the applicant can demonstrate this requirement is not technically or reasonably feasible.
      (6)   The maximum height of the tower including antenna shall be 200 feet. Towers over 200 feet may be permitted if applicant can show additional height is necessary to provide personal wireless services within the village and the additional height is no greater than necessary to meet the minimal technical needs of the applicant. The maximum size of the equipment building shall be 400 square feet.
      (7)   Wireless telecommunication facilities shall be the sole use of the property.
      (8)   The minimum setback line between the base of the tower and all adjacent properties shall be the height of the tower except if the property abuts a public right-of-way, then the setback line shall be either 30 feet from the edge of the public right-of-way or the distance of the height of the tower measured from the base of the tower to the nearest edge of the traveled portion of the right-of-way, whichever is greater.
      (9)   The site shall be a minimum of 500 feet from the nearest dwelling. The site shall not abut residential, planned residential or planned commercial zoned districts. The site shall have one common property line that is also a village corporation limits line.
      (10)   The applicant shall demonstrate that the need for the proposed tower cannot be accommodated by co-locating antenna on an existing tower.
      (11)   If the tower is abandoned, it shall be removed within 90 days of its last date of operation.
(Ord. 87-27, § 420, passed 7-7-1987; Ord. 12-98, passed 5-18-1998)