The following uses shall be permitted in the I-1 Industrial District:
(A) Manufacturing and assemble of products from raw materials or component parts except as otherwise expressly prohibited.
(B) The incidental use of premises which are primarily manufacturing in nature for offices, storage or shipping in connection with the manufacturing process.
(C) Truck terminal.
(D) Warehouses.
(E) Storage and transfer facilities.
(F) Wholesale storage and distribution facilities.
(G) Accessory uses to any of the above.
(H) Parabolic/dish type antennae. See § 155.303.
(I) Sexually oriented business as defined by § 155.201 provided:
(1) That the parcel of land upon which the sexually oriented business is located at a minimum of 500 feet from the nearest parcel of land containing a school, church, funeral home or residence.
(2) That the parcel of land upon which the sexually oriented business is located is a minimum of 500 feet from any other parcel of land containing a sexually oriented business.
(3) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to amend Chapter 133, Sex Related Offenses, of this code of ordinances or otherwise make any conduct legal which is illegal under that chapter.
(J) Drive-thru carryouts.
(Ord. 87-27, § 401, passed 7-7-1987; Ord. 19-05, passed 7-5-2005; Ord. 20-05, passed 7-5-2005)