Within the R-2 Residential District the following uses and no others will be permitted:
(A) Home occupations.
(B) Churches, synagogues, and temples for religious worship.
(C) Public or private schools certified by the State of Ohio and offering courses in grades kindergarten through high school.
(D) Private swimming pools or tennis courts, basketball courts and skating rinks except that no such use shall be enclosed by any temporary or permanent building or structure except for a fence that is subject to § 155.125.
(E) Utility and public service buildings and uses (excluding storage yards) when operating requirements necessitate the locating of the building within the district in order to serve the immediate vicinity.
(F) Parabolic/dish-type antennae. See § 155.303.
(G) Multi-family dwelling units, two stories or less and subject further to the following:
(1) Proposed development shall have one property line abutting an arterial thoroughfare or the boundary line of a B-Business or I-Industrial District.
(2) A 15-foot wide greenbelt measured from the lot line shall be provided on all side and rear yards of multifamily developments. See § 155.124.
(3) A six-foot high obscuring fence shall be provided along the side and rear perimeters of all parking lots. The fence/screening devices shall not have any openings except the openings as may be required by the Fire Department for vehicular or emergency access to the proposed development.
(4) A maximum of ten multi-family dwelling units shall be allowed per acre.
(H) Townhouse dwellings provided that there will be no more than four townhouse dwellings in any contiguous group. All such dwellings are subject to same requirements as division (G)(1), (2), (3) and (4) above.
(Ord. 87-27, § 242, passed 7-7-1987)