(A) Whenever a structure, as defined by this chapter, whether public or private, within the above described district is proposed to be constructed or erected and whenever an existing structure is proposed to be altered, reconstructed, enlarged or remodeled, if the alteration, reconstruction, enlargement, or remodeling involves the exterior design, material, finish grade line, landscaping or orientation of the structure and application for a certificate of appropriateness shall be filed with the Fiscal Officer.
(B) The application shall be accompanied by a line drawing indicating at a minimum, the lot dimensions, size, shape and dimensions of the structure, the location and orientation of the structure on the lot and the actual or proposed building setback lines. In addition, the application shall be accompanied by a detailed narrative description of the proposed design or change of design, use of materials, finish grade line, landscaping and orientation of the structure. Applications for structures to be constructed or remodeled, which remodeling would increase or decrease the total gross building area by 50% or more, shall be accompanied by a colored elevation showing at a minimum, the design, use of materials, finish grade line, landscaping and orientation of buildings. In addition, the Board of Architectural Review may require the submission of colored perspectives or architectural renderings.
(C) (1) Upon receipt of an application for a certificate of appropriateness, which is accompanied by the material required by the provisions of division (B) hereof, the Fiscal Officer shall schedule a hearing on the applications which shall be held at the next regular Board meeting occurring more than 14 days after the application is filed or at the special meeting called for this purpose. The 14-day requirement herein may be waived by the Board for good cause shown.
(2) At the hearing, all testimony shall be received under oath or affirmation, a verbatim record of the proceedings shall be kept, the application shall be allowed upon application and deposit of fees to the issuance of subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses, all testimony shall be subject to cross examination.
(3) The Board shall render its decision within a reasonable time after the hearing not to exceed 60 days and advise the applicant in writing thereof.
(4) In addition, there shall be a notice posted on the subject property stating that an application has been filed and the date of the hearing.
(Ord. 87-27, §122, passed 7-7-1987)