For the purpose of determining the regulations of land and structures as imposed by this chapter, the corporate limits of the village are hereby divided into the following use districts:
   (A)   AD Architectural District;
   (B)   CD Conservation District;
   (C)   R-1 Residential District;
   (D)   R-2 Residential District;
   (E)   B-1 Neighborhood Business District;
   (F)   B-2 General Business District;
   (G)   B-3 Highway Service Business District;
   (H)   I-1 Industrial District;
   (I)   PR Planned Residential;
   (J)   PC Planned Commercial;
   (K)   U-1 Utility District.
(Ord. 87-27, § 107, passed 7-7-1987; Ord. 6-2014, passed 2-4-2014)