§ 153.002 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The village has adopted stormwater management rules and regulations to establish feasible and economically reasonable standards to achieve a level of management and conservation practices which will abate erosion of the soil and abate the degradation of the waters of the state by soil sediment in conjunction with nonfarm, earth-disturbing activities.
   (B)   It is the further intent of these rules and regulations to:
      (1)   Permit development without increasing downstream flooding, erosion, or sedimentation;
      (2)   Reduce damage to receiving streams and impairment of their capacity which may be caused by increases in the quantity and/or rate of water discharged; and
      (3)   Establish a basis for the design of all storm drainage systems which will preserve the rights and options of both the dominant and servient property owners and help assure the long-term adequacy of storm drainage systems.
(Ord. 16-96, passed 4-15-1996)