It shall be unlawful for a person to keep, harbor or own any dog, cat or other domesticated animal within the city limits, which does any one of the following objectionable actions:
   (A)   Incessantly barks, howls, yelps or whines loud enough to be heard beyond the premises where it is kept or harbored;
(Prior Code, § 6.1)
   (B)   Habitually goes on any property or premises not owned or occupied by the persons who keeps, harbors or owns the dog, cat or other domestic animal;
(Prior Code, § 6.2)
   (C)   Habitually turns over or gets into garbage cans or milk containers, or damages shrubbery and items of personal property, located on any premises other than those owned by the person who keeps, harbors or owns the dog, cat or other domestic animal;
(Prior Code, § 6.3)
   (D)   When not on the property of its owner or keeper, habitually runs at, jumps on, chases, barks at, bites at or in any way frightens, molests or scares any child or adult other than the one who keeps, harbors or owns the dog, cat or other domestic animal;
(Prior Code, § 6.4)
   (E)   Chases, attacks or kills any dog or other animal besides those owned by the person who keeps, harbors or owns the dog, cat or other domestic animal;
(Prior Code, § 6.5)
   (F)   Bites any person on sidewalks, streets or any property other than that of its owner or keeper; and
(Prior Code, § 6.6)
   (G)   Chases motor vehicles, bicycles or scooters other than those owned by the person who keeps, harbors or owns the dog, cat or other domestic animal or his or her immediate family.
(Prior Code, § 6.7)
Penalty, see § 90.99