(a) No fence, screening, wall or barrier shall be constructed, altered or extended within the side, rear, or front yard setback, without first obtaining approval; either with an individual Zoning Permit, or as part of another application with which the fencing is only one portion of the project.
(b) In any district, but subject to Section 1215.09(f), fencing, screening, walls or barriers of a purely decorative nature are permitted in the front yard and parallel to the street, and perpendicular to the street along the side yard(s), as long as; they are not a safety hazard as deemed by the Zoning Official. In the case of corner lots, fencing, screening, walls or barriers of a purely decorative nature are permitted in both front yards parallel to the streets. Maximum height for decorative fencing is three feet (3'). A Zoning Permit is required
(c) The maximum height for side and rear yard fences shall be six feet (6'), except as otherwise provided in this section.
(d) Fences, screening, walls, or barriers up to eight feet (8') in height shall be permitted in the immediate area of a swimming pool or patio in the interior of a lot. A Zoning Permit is required.
(e) Fences, screening, walls, or barriers up to eight feet (8') in height shall be permitted in the side or rear yard in an industrial zoned district. Screening may be required where an industrial or commercial district is abutted by a residential district. A Zoning Permit is required.
(f) When any open off-street parking or loading area used for nonresidential purpose and containing more than two (2) spaces is not separated from a residential district by a dedicated street, an effective buffer or screen per Section 1221.04(d)(1).
(g) Fences, screening, walls, or barriers shall not be constructed of plywood, particle board, lattice, chicken wire, snow fence, corrugated metal, railroad ties, any unsecured, unsuitable, or nontraditional materials as deemed by the Zoning Official. In addition to the above, decorative fences in front yards shall also not be constructed of chain link or any other materials deemed unsuitable for decorative fences by the Zoning Official. Zoning permit required for newly constructed fence, screening, wall or barrier.
(h) No fence shall be used as a signboard and shall have no images or drawings painted or posted upon it.
(i) See Section 1215.04 "Private Residential Swimming Pools" for specific regulations on fencing and barriers around swimming pools.
(Ord. 1-15. Passed 2-23-15.)