Registration of Contractors
1307.01   Registration required.
1307.02   Application; disqualification.
1307.03   Appeal.
1307.04   Duration and fee.
1307.05   Revocation.
1307.06   Homeowner's exception.
Power to license house movers, electricians, plumbers, sewer tappers, vault cleaners - see Ohio R.C. 715.27
   No general building contractor, plumbing, electrical, heating, piping, sewer building, air conditioning or refrigeration contractor, building tradesman, building repairman or any other individual offering such services for a fee, other than employees of firms offering such services, shall perform any such work within the City without first obtaining a certificate of registration from the City Engineer and/or City Service-Safety Director and/or his or her designated representative.
(Ord. 77-23. Passed 5-10-77; Ord. 84-53. Passed 9-25-84.)
   Application for a certificate of registration shall be upon the form issued by the City Engineer and/or City Service-Safety Director and/or his or her designated representative and shall be accompanied by proof of insurance coverage for such applicant and his employees for claims occasioned by personal injury and property damage.
   Evidence of repeated violations of this Building Code or other ordinances shall be sufficient evidence to disqualify the applicant from receiving a certificate of registration.
(Ord. 74-79. Passed 11-12-74; Ord. 84-53. Passed 9-25-84.)
1307.03 APPEAL.
   Any applicant to whom a certificate of registration has been denied or revoked by the City Engineer and/or City Service-Safety Director and/or his or her designated representative may appeal such decision to the Board of Building Code Appeals.
(Ord. 74-79. Passed 11-12-74; Ord. 84-53. Passed 9-25-84.)
   The certificate of registration shall be valid for the calendar year in which it is issued, and application shall be made for a renewal annually thereafter. An annual registration fee of twenty-five ($25.00) shall be paid with the application. Effective January 1, 1990, the following registration fees shall be paid with all applications;
Individuals and organizations employing five or fewer employees
$ 50.00
Organizations employing six or more employees
$ 75.00
(Ord. 89-105. Passed 12-12-89.)
   The certificate of registration may be revoked at any time by the City Engineer and/or City Service-Safety Director and/or his or her designated representative for violation of this Building Code or other ordinances, laws, rules or regulations of the City.
(Ord. 74-79. Passed 11-12-74; Ord. 84-53. Passed 9-25-84.)
   The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to a homeowner as an individual desiring to perform work on the premises in which he resides. However, any work performed by such homeowner shall be subject to all other provisions of this Building Code and to all inspections authorized by the City Engineer and/or City Service-Safety Director and/or his or her designated representative.
(Ord. 74-79. Passed 11-12-74; Ord. 84-53. Passed 9-25-84.)