Subdivision Regulations-General Procedures
1105.01    Title.
1105.02    Administration.
1105.03    Compliance.
1105.04    Minor subdivision (lot splits).
1105.05    Preapplication meeting required.
1105.06    Preapplication sketch content.
1105.07    Preliminary plat required.
1105.08    Application for preliminary plat approval
1105.09    Preliminary plat form.
1105.10    Plat contents.
1105.11    Supplementary information.
1105.12    Filing.
1105.13    Public hearing
1105.14    Approval of preliminary plat.
1105.15    Construction and utility plan requirements.
1105.16    Approval period.
1105.17    Final plat required.
1105.18    Application for final plat approval.
1105.19    Improvement regulations.
1105.20    Final plat form.
1105.21    Final plat contents.
1105.22    Supplementary information.
1105.23    Filing final plat.
1105.24    Approval of final plat.
1105.25    Transmittal of original tracings copies.
1105.26    Plat recording.
1105.27    Schedule of fees, charges and expenses.
1105.28    Required statements and signatures.
1105.29    Performance and maintenance bonds.
1105.30    Variances.
1105.31    Appeal.
1105.32    Jurisdiction.
1105.33    Relation to other laws.
1105.34    Amendments.
1105.35    Separability.
1105.01 TITLE.
   This chapter shall be known and may be cited and referred to as the "Subdivision Regulations of the City of Bellefontaine, Ohio," and shall hereinafter be referred to as "these Regulations."