(a)   The Director of Service and Safety shall provide applications for permits for home sales. Such applications shall include the name of the applicant, who shall be a resident of this City, his address, his telephone number, the length of his residence in the City, the nature of the merchandise to be offered for sale, the date of the sale, the hours of the sale, the duration of the sale and any other information which the Director requires to determine the identity of the applicant and the nature and location of the sale.
   (b)   The Director of Service and Safety shall consider each application and regulate the hours of each permit issued, except that no home sale shall be commenced earlier than 9:00 a.m. or conducted later than 8:00 p.m. A copy of each application shall be submitted to the Chief of Police for information and filing.
(Ord. 3668. Passed 12-12-72.)
   (c)   A fee of five dollars ($5.00) shall be charged for each permit, except for those home and/or yard sales held pursuant to Section 717.04(e).
(Ord. 11-39. Passed 7-26-11.)
   (d)   Every person conducting a home sale shall post his permit in a prominent place upon the sale premises for inspection purposes and shall exhibit the same upon request.
(Ord. 3668. Passed 12-12-72.)
   (e)   Between Memorial Day and Labor Day of each summer the Service-Safety Director shall designate four (4) successive Saturdays as home sale or yard sale Saturdays whereby the first two Saturdays shall be designated for home or yard sales north of Columbus Avenue and the second two successive Saturdays shall be designated as home or yard sales Saturdays south of Columbus Avenue and where said yard sales on said successive Saturdays shall be permitted without the payment of a fee for the home/yard sale permit as provided for in Section 717.04(a).
(Ord. 11-39. Passed 7-26-11.)