(A)   Upon a finding by the Municipal Court that a dog is declared, pursuant to these provisions, to be a potentially dangerous dog or is determined to be a dangerous dog, then the special regulations concerning said animal in division (B) below shall automatically come into effect.
   (B)   Any individual owning or harboring said animal shall:
      (1)   Identify said animal by attaching a phosphorescent collar with tag, available on a fee basis from the Police Department;
      (2)   The premises where said animal is located shall be clearly and conspicuously posted with a notice stating that the dog is a dangerous animal in language and/or symbols sufficient to notify an adult or child and from a distance sufficient to warn any passers-by not to get close to the animal;
      (3)   The animal will be further identified by a special coded tag, purchased through the Police Department, that identifies the dog as a dangerous animal. This tag must be worn by the dog at all times along with the regular dog tag from the city and the vaccination tag so issued;
      (4)   In the event that the dog is sold, disposed of or dies, then the owner and/or person harboring said animal must notify the Police Department in writing of that event within 24 hours of its occurring, along with the name, address and phone number of any individual who has been given possession of the animal;
      (5)   An annual fee in the amount of $25 shall be paid to the City Clerk each year as a registration fee for said animal;
      (6)   The animal shall be kept indoors or in a secure enclosure, as approved by the Animal Control Officer or by said designee, that contains at least 150 square feet of space per animal that is over six months of age, and that has a secure top, sides and bottom that are constructed in such a manner so as to prevent the animal from escaping, and that also adequately provides for the needs of the animal; and
      (7)   At any time the animal is being moved and is outside, then the animal must be secured on a six-foot chain leash that is controlled at all times by an individual that is over 16 years of age. The animal must be muzzled when being so transported.
   (C)   The violation of any of these conditions shall serve as rebuttable proof of a violation of the dangerous dog provisions by the owner or person harboring said animal.
(Ord. 2016-02, passed 7-11-2016) Penalty, see § 90.999